Some of you are still working, have health insurance coverage through your job, but applied for Part A Medicare because as you turned 65 it’s required. If you didn’t you would be subject to a lifetime penalty. But as long as you have in enough working quarters Part A doesn’t cost you anything. However, Part B Medicare does cost and it makes sense to delay the extra expense. Now, you are retiring and you need to apply for Part B? What should you do? Right now, the Social Security offices (SSA) are closed and it’s difficult getting a live voice on the phone at Social Security. Here are my recommendations:
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If you decide to mail both forms, google search for the closest SSA office near you. This will save you time as you await hearing back from them. Always keep a copy for yourself just in case they lose it or say they never received it.
Finally, if you can’t do either step, call the professionals at Starke Financial Services, Inc. There is no charge and they can assist you in finding and applying with a Medicare plan(s) in your area that beat fits you.
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